Game, Sight and Match

Game, Sight and Match

Game, Sight and Match Four famous athletes with eye conditions An athlete relies on clear visual information to ensure they have the quick reflexes needed for competing at elite levels. So what happens when this visual information is damaged or impaired? For the...
New technology brings relief for dry eye

New technology brings relief for dry eye

New technology brings relief Taking the battle to dry eye Near the end of 2019 we launched an exciting new service to Christchurch – IPL technology that delivers fast, effective relief to dry eye and other eye conditions. A lot of work has gone in behind the scenes...
Spin Doctors

Spin Doctors

Spin doctors Fruit flies get dizzy over illusions too That dizzy and sometime queasy feeling you’ll have when looking at optical illusions is not just a human experience – it’s experienced by all types of animals too. A recent study at Yale has discovered that even...
Sight and Sound

Sight and Sound

Sight and Sound Six famous musicians with eye conditions While Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles are well known examples of vision-impaired musicians there are many others who have also taken to the spotlight despite the challenges of their eye conditions. 1. José...
Samurai, superheroes (and occasional realism)

Samurai, superheroes (and occasional realism)

Samurai, superheroes (and occasional realism) Our top 5 films about vision impairment or sight loss Hollywood often plays fast and loose with the facts when it comes to eyesight and the loss of vision in films. Here are five noteworthy examples of movies where vision...